About Us

Who We Are

HOLLY House Inc is a 501 (c) 3 not for profit social service agency located in Wooster, Ohio serving Wayne County homeless persons and families.

Our organization works to address 12039358_1068803683144269_51100349334934302_nthe social problem of homelessness and affordable housing options, focussing on the presently under served and hard to serve homeless population (e.g. ex-offenders re-entering the community, and veterans).

Short term rental assistance and intensive case management supportive services will aid clients in obtaining and maintaining housing stability.

Our Philosophy & Mission

We aim to create a community of care, diversity, and concern, as well as to raise awareness of the social problem of homelessness and affordable housing options.

Our organization will provide affordable housing options to Wayne County residents & work to reduce the total number of homeless and at-risk individuals and families.

We believe all people are equally capable of making healthy decisions, of choosing to behave in a socially appropriate manner, & can engage in positive behaviors regardless of past history. Everyone deserves a second chance, respect, and a safe place to live.


HOLLY House will provide scattered site transitional housing & supportive services by working closely with local landlords to connect clients with appropriate housing options throughout Wayne County.

  • Short Term Rental Assistance
  • Intensive Case Management
  • Referral to Resources and Affordable Housing
  • Advocacy & Education on Landlord/Tenant Laws

HOLLY House works closely with the local continuum of care surrounding housing services (the Wayne County Housing & Re Entry Coalition(s)) to prevent the duplication of services and to design solid program initiatives.

We will serve:

  • Re-Entry populations (Persons re-entering the community from correctional/institutional facilities or settings)
  • Veterans
  • Person living in overcrowded households and moving from place to place (e.g. couch surfers).
  • Other persons who qualify as homeless by state and federal definition.

Client Responsibilities

HOLLY House expects the following from clients:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Timeliness
  • Responsibility
  • Own all behaviors
  • Show commitment to working a solid program & contract
  • Set & accomplish goals

HOLLY House Right Now…

We are currently carrying out the final phases of organizational development and agency space rehabilitation. At this juncture, the furtherment of our mission relies heavily upon personal donations, fundraising sponsorship/assistance, and volunteer work, all of which help to expedite the process toward opening for services. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact us! We would love to hear from you.

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